Janine for Queen

A BIIP Joint. Because usually, I'm just too damned lazy to write a full article.
Hi Everyone,
I'm a huge attention hungry fag, who needs people to join my group so I can feel e-popular and good about myself!!!
PS – Chuck Norris LOLOLOL
Dear Facebook,
Stop. We get it. We appreciate it. Now just stop it.
We understand what's going on with you Facebook. It's your big bro MySpace. You want to be better. You want to be bigger. Maybe your parents never loved you as much. Maybe when he was getting Hot Wheels with those sweet connecting tracks for Christmas, you were getting, I don't know, Tinker Toys. The point you’re missing is, we already liked you Facebook, because honestly, fuck MySpace. We aren't 13 year old children with black-fingernails and an aversion to sunshine. We're college kids with a drinking problem and the occasional need to browse your site for attractive members of the opposite sex.
And that's why we're here to talk to you today. Because we're your friends Facebook. We clicked the Approve button on you. But now, you're beginning to scare us. We don't even recognize your face anymore, or the way you act. Look we didn't say anything when you extended your network beyond college to high school. 'A free spirit's gotta fly sometimes,' we thought, and just let you go. We considered talking to you after you started demanding status updates every time we shifted in our seats, but again, we held off. But this, oh, fuck this. You've gone too far.
We don't need to know that that girl we went to high school with, the one who was too busy to say a word to us then, but friended us to feel more e-popular, has changed their status to "drunkzilla!!!" We couldn't care less that the person we friended while drunk off our ass freshman year has updated their photo to a totally original picture of him holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa. What's that? Michael just picked his ass? Thank you Facebook, my day is better now that I have been told that.
Look, we aren't doing this to make you feel bad Facebook. It's because we love you. Who doesn't feel great when they receive 50 birthday wall posts, half of them from people they don't even remember? Who doesn't get just a little excited to log in and see "Phinneas Q. Assfucker has posted on your wall..."? So please, Facebook, we beg of you: Stop it. Right the fuck now.
Robert P. Ingram, Esq.
I'm using blogger now because, well aparently ipadder went under in the past few months while I was busy not giving a shit. Kind of sad to see some of that old blog go though, chief-among-the-damage being my Day After Tomorrow review (WOLVES!!!) and the Introduction to the Travers 5 Cult. Oh well, say-la-vis. I can't promise I won't get bored of this in, I don't know - 10 minutes, and never post again, but as it stands I should probably be doing some form of writing on a kind of daily basis since I am doing that whole journalism thing, and since I don't have the energy or commitment for a full article every day, here we go.
Now that that phenomenally long run-on sentence is out of the way, I just want to say that I've seen the most ridiculous thing ever today in an ad for the movie Flyboys. It's not that this ad pitches the movie as based on a true story, or the fact that the commercial also shows a character running across the top of an exploding zeppelin, while it's flying. It's the fact they do the two simultaneously that blows my mind. It's like they just said, fuck it, we aren't even going to try to pretend what we're claiming is even remotely honest. I kind of like that.
In other news Steve Irwin (aka the Crocodile Hunter) died yesterday and it's pretty sad. Turns out he was stabbed in the heart by a stingray. Maybe that isn't the grand death you saw coming for Steve Irwin, but you got to look at it in perspective; if I died after being stabbed in the heart by a stingray you guys would all think it's pretty badass. Say what you want about the guy, but his show was damn entertaining, and you have to give some level of respect to a man who spent his entire adult life provoking dangerous animals for the sake of raising awareness and making late-night channel surfers laugh. Laugh at him for his ugly hair or his stupid outfit, or even for dangling his own young in front of hungry crocs, but I think JayPinkerton put it best at his site: "It's probably an unwritten rule of male machismo that once you've got 'Put crocodile in headlock' on your résumé, you're pretty much allowed to act and dress however the fuck you like." RIP Steve, I can only hope you're up there jabbing irritable angels with sticks as I type this.
Coming Soon to my real site: I've actually been doing a decent amount of writing and stopped being fat like... the previous 4ish months, and I've got two articles on the way in the next week or so, and if I feel motivated part of a new story I've been working on.