Monday, March 03, 2008

A Contest of Artistry

So, over on the forums for CRACKED (the comedy site I write for) a little artistic competition has been put together, and being that I have more or less no artistic talent, I thought it would be a good idea to throw my hat into the ring. Anyways, the gist of it is this -- a one word prompt is given for the round, pictures are drawn based on that prompt, and then go head-to-head in a bracket to advance to the next round and next prompt. Continue until 32 is whittled down to 1.

Well, the first round is underway with "Action," and I figured I'd share my masterpiece for it with all four of you likely to see this.

So... uh... Ta Dah!

(Click it for a bigger version)

Anywho, the page for the whole deal is here. If you'd like to check out the other entries, you just click one of the small versions of the pairings, then bigger versions of their icon will pop up below, and you click on that to see their pictures. Oh, and those bigger versions are also where you vote, you know, if you'd like to vote for me (or the other guy.)