Thursday, September 13, 2007

Go Read My Article on

Somehow, despite my continually thinking that it would fail at every step of the process, "8 Manliest Musicals" is now online at, and you should be awesome and go read it right now. It didn't receive a brutal amount of editing, and what changes it did see were (predominantly) for the better.

I don't rightly know how well it will do, as their big-traffic articles tend to be about movies, video games or technology, since apparently nerds love the internet. Go figure. Either way, if you have a digg account (or, if you're really cool and willing to sign up for one just for me) you should digg the shit out of it, 'cause I'm pretty sure is now entirely responsible for any article being successful online today. More traffic from my article means they're more likely to buy another of my articles. More articles sold equals more money. More money equals more beer. More beer equals more drunk Bobby rollerblading and, inevitably, hurting himself for everyone else's amusement. So, see, it's in your own best interest.

Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm a Published Humorist!

Well, not quite yet, but soonish. For those of you I haven't bombarded with giddy talk about it, the webmaster at a comedy site I like to read recently got hired as Assistant Editor for, a comedy site of fair stature. Suffice it to say, it does marginally more traffic than the 50-150 angry Harry Potter fans I get on a daily basis. Well, he put out an open call for people who would be looking to write for them and be paid on a per-article basis, and I decided to throw out a few pitches. More specifically, two.

I actually just jumped on board as motivation to start writing again, since I hadn't in ages, and didn't expect anything I offered to be liked. As it were, both pitches I threw out apparently had potential, though since one has to do with 'Lost' it won't actually see daylight until sometime closer to its February return. But, that brings my rambling to a point, that being that the other piece had both potential and the ability to work whenever they wanted it to, so I was officially given the green light to write it for them, and the final product has been sent their way which means sometime in the future (when specifically I don't know, as they only run an article per day) my article, tentatively titled "10 (Almost) Manly Musicals (And Why You're Not Gay for Liking Them)," will be online, and will likely get read more times in its first day than anything else I've put online has in-total in the three year run of my "web site."